Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Opening Night!

Oh G'day!

It's 11.04pm on Wednesday the 27th of August 2008 and my favourite cousin Jess has just forced me to set up this thing and I have no idea how to use it yet so I'll see how I go!

So far this week I have been in bed because I am really sick. This is thanks to Bingham, T-Loaf, Bred, Constance and Panda who are all sick and kindly coughed all over me at our girls night last Friday. Sharing is caring right? That's love!

It has been really boring as there are only so many hours you can sleep and movies you can watch before the boredom sets in. Maybe this blog thing was a good idea...!

Well for those who I haven't seen in while, or ever... Here is the latest goss.

I have the most awesome job EVER and then scored a place in an acting school in LA.

So I'm torn between best job in Tasmania OR pursuing my dream... Errrr did I say I was torn over that decision?


 I hope you have the best day EVER!

Lolly xxx