Believe in yourself
Current mood: Calm
I want to be a movie star.
No joke. Dead serious.
It is my goal, my ambition, my dream in life.
I don't just WANT to be a movie star. I WILL be.
It is the driving force for me to get up and go to work everyday (as much as I love my job). In fact it is the driving force for everything in my life.
It is the energy and determination in me, it's the will power and belief that I know that I have the motivation to do what I want in life and to attain any goal I set for myself.
Success begins with a dream and the courage to follow your heart.
Passion and vision keep the dream alive, and commitment makes the dream come true.
Know what you want. Go for it, and enjoy the ride.
Never, never, NEVER give up.
I have so much respect for people who actively pursue what they want in life, no matter how hard things get. Because things do get hard. Everyone has tough times, bad days.
But things do go wrong from time to time. That's life. It's when you push through those times that you become a stronger and better person because of it.
Don't EVER let anyone try and stop you from obtaining what you want.
People will ALWAYS try to bring you down, they won't believe in you, they'll laugh at your dreams, your ideas, your aspirations. They don't want you to succeed in life.
That might be because they aren't reaching their own goals in life, maybe they don't have any...?
It could be a number of reasons, but honestly, you don't need negative people in your life.
Cut negative people out.
They will only distract you from the positive aspects of your life, which is what you need to concentrate on to achieve what you want.
When people ask me what I want to do with my life and I tell them I'm going to be a movie star, I get mixed reactions.
Some people think it's great and wish me luck.
Some people think it's great and tell me they believe in me and support me.
Some people look at me in disbelief and ask me if I'm serious.
Some people laugh at me and in a sarcastic tone, they wish me luck.
The people that try to dishearten me, I don't have time for those people.
The people that support me and encourage me to accomplish my dreams are my best friends and the people I want in my life.
But it's not about what people think. To a certain degree it definitely matters because it's always nice to have people support you in the choices you make that will dramatically effect your life... But...
You need to believe in yourself.
You can not succeed in life if you do not believe in yourself.
You need to be stable and happy as your own person, on your own two feet. Not relying on anyone, because the only one that will be there for you your WHOLE life, is you.
People come and go, sure family is with you physically while they're alive and spiritually when they're not, but ultimately you need to rely on yourself.
Once you know who you are and believe in yourself, no goal is out of your reach.
Please be positive and support everyone you know in whatever they want to do in life.
And PLEASE don't let anyone bring you down.
Believe in yourself and ALL of your dreams will come true.
Lolly xxx
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